Ostali tretmani


World’s newest methods and technology

The newest and widely acknowledged noninvasive method for permanent hair removal is laser hair removal. The laser beam is aimed at the skin by direct contact which guarantees maximum safety and efficiency. The beam is absorbed by the pigment of the hair follicle (melanin).
Inside the skin, the light beam transforms into heat which permanently destroys the hair follicle (result-photothermolysis). Hair follicles which are in their active growth phase represent the best target for the laser beam since they are rich in pigment. Additionally, there are 70-90 % of hairs that are simultaneously found in their growth phase, 1% that are found in their regression phase (catagen phase), and 10-30% that are found in their rest or falling out phase (telogen phase)

Painless and thorough

Since the laser beam can permanently destroy the hair follicle only if it is in its active growth phase, the procedure must be repeated every 4-5 weeks (depending on the part that is being treated), when the hair follicle once again enters the active growth phase after the rest and regression phase.
After each treatment there is a ‘peaceful’ period of 2-3 weeks (sometimes longer). After this period, thin hairs which were not in their active growth phase during the treatment start to emerge. It usually takes 4-6 treatments. The most sophisticated lasers, like the ones we have, possess the ability to drain heat and cool off the part of the skin which is being treated. The point of this is to protect the surrounding skin structure from thermal damage. What’s more, it also plays an important role in lowering the subjective pain sensation.
Treba napomenuti da se prosečno u fazi rasta (anagen faza) nalazi od 70-90 % dlaka (istovremeno), u fazi regresije (katagena faza) 1 %, a u fazi odmora, tj. ispadanja (telogena faza) 10-30 % dlaka.

Complete treatment

During the laser hair removal procedure you might experience a tingling sensation on the parts of your body that are more sensitive to pain and which have the greatest density of hair follicles. However, most of the patients have a good reaction to this method.
After the laser treatment, the skin can be mildly red and it can easily become edematous around the follicle. These symptoms are only temporary and will disappear shortly (in some cases in 15 minutes, in some in a couple of hours-depending on the skin type). You can lose up to 20-30% of your hairs in one treatment.
Hairs treated by the diode laser will be falling out of the skin during the period of 7-14 days (facial hairs). For other parts of the body this ‘cleansing’ period will be proportionally longer.
Nakon svakog pojedinačnog tretmana sledi “miran” period od oko 2 – 3 nedelje (nekad i duže), nakon kojeg počinju da rastu proređene dlačice koje nisu bile u aktivnoj fazi rasta u vreme prvog tretmana.
Obično je potrebno oko 5 tretmana.

Important information

4-5 weeks before the treatment, you shouldn’t bleach, pluck or vax the hairs in order not to damage the roots. During this preparation period only the surface hairs can be removed (by shaving, using depilatory cream or with scissors). Your hairs should be approximately 1mm long for the treatment. Almost all parts of the body can be treated with this method, except for the area around eyes. For this method there are no contraindications.

Laser hair removal is...

a noninvasive and the most efficient method of permanent hair removal available today. Our patients are aware of the fact that it is impossible to achieve 100% success. The efficiency varies from 85-95%, depending on the patient. It is also important to point out that there is a number of patients who are non-responsive to the treatment. That is the reason why there is an increased number of descriptions like ‘very long lasting results’-long lasting results measured in years or ‘permanent hair reduction’-permanent, significant hair reduction.

How does the hair laser work?

It works on the principle of photothermolysis. By the direct contact with the surface of the skin, the laser beam is aimed at the skin, where the light transforms into heat only in the hair follicle, attracted by the melanin pigment. At the same time, all the hairs that are located inside the laser beam and that are in their anagen (active) growth phase will be destroyed. To sum up: best results during each treatment are seen in patients who have lighter skin and darker hairs.

Who are the candidates for the permanent hair removal procedure?

Candidates are people ranging from adolescence to senior years, both women and men, mostly patients who suffer from excessive hair growth (medical condition) as well as patients with unwanted body hairs (esthetic problem).

There are three types of excessive hair growth:

1. Hypertrichosis-a skin abnormality that results in excessive growth of hair. It can be localized to one part of the body, or affect it in full. It can affect men or women and is mostly secondary to a genetic disease that causes a hormonal disorder.

2. Hirsutism- abnormal growth of hair on a woman's face and body.

3. Virilism- a female disorder in which there is development of secondary male sexual characteristics, as hirsutism and lowered voice, caused by various conditions affecting hormone regulation.

How many treatments does one need and are they painful?

Patients usually need 3 treatments, but the average is 3-5 appointments per patient. The period between the treatments is 2-3 months (depending on the area that is being treated). However, this does not apply if the patient’s hormonal status is not good, if the patient is on serious therapy, or if the patient is using some kind of photosensitive products.

During the treatment the patient might experience a tingling or burning sensation, stronger or weaker, depending on the area that is being treated and on the density of the hair follicles in that specific area. Personal pain tolerance is also an important factor.

Are there any side effects and is the procedure safe?

There are absolutely no contraindications and no side effects. This method is applied locally and it is completely safe (this method can even be applied to women during pregnancy). From time to time we get calls from patients whose doctors told them things like: “We still don’t know much about the effect laser has on the hair follicle and glands. “ We always reply that they should change their doctor because that one hasn’t done any self-improvement in the last 10 years.

Then and now

The medical and technological breakthrough that was achieved by the invention of the laser hair removal procedure can best be noticed when we compare it to electrolysis (the previous method used for hair removal).


Laser hair removal method is the most sophisticated, the simplest, the most efficient, the least painful, the cheapest and the most durable hair removal method available today.

Best results are achieved in patients who have strong and dark hairs, light skin, good hormonal balance and a positive genetic status.

For a maximum effect you shouldn’t bleach, pluck or wax your hairs 4 weeks before the treatment.

This rule also applies to the period between all following treatments.

4 weeks before and after the treatment it is not advisable to expose treated skin to direct sunlight or to go to a solarium (tanning salon).

Using sunscreen with the minimum of 25 SPF is necessary throughout the summer period.

Prior to treatment you mustn’t use any products with vitamin A acid (retin A), AHA acids, strong vitamin complexes and other substances which can cause skin irritation. These are all photosensitive products that can cause unwanted skin reactions.

Laserska epilacija je potpuno bezbedna procedura. Laserski snop prolazi svega par milimetara pod kožu, tako da kada se tretira pazuh ili prepone ni ne dopire do žlezda, koje se nalaze dosta dublje.

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