Fitopiling deluje na sve slojeve epiderma, apsolutno bez štetnih posledica. Svi sastojci fitopiliga su prirodni biološki aktivni preparati. Dugogodišnji rad sa ovom terapijom potvrđuje njenu viskoku efikasnost i apsolutnu neškodljivost.
Phytopeelling not only causes rapid flaking of the surface layer of the skin but also actively influences the normalization of the metabolism of elements in the skin and restoration of turgor (elasticity and tightness of the skin).
The biological effect of peeling is achieved by improving tissue metabolism. Unlike other types of peeling, phyto peeling has a prolonged effect, which means that after 2-3 treatments it achieves an improvement in the condition of the skin.
Ako uzmemo u obzir sve što smo do sada pomenuli ,vrlo privlačno izgleda prirodni terapeutski biljni piling “KAKTUS”., to je izvanredna alternativa svim nabrojanim oblicima pilinga, zato što prilikom primene FITOPILING u koži ne dolazi do koagulacije belančevina.
Phytopeeling is very effective and gives quick results without traumatizing the skin. It does not cause complications in the period after the peeling.
The preparation treats the skin very successfully and affects its speedy renewal. We can recommend this peeling for more than 60% of skin problems that might occur on daily basis.
- bubuljice
- hiperkeratoza
- Uneven skin texture
- Oily skin with enlarged pores
- Hyperpigmentation
- Post-acne welts and infiltrators