Aesthetic treatments, Facial treatments
Hyaluronic fillers

Hijaluronski fileri spadaju u red estetskih tretmana lica. Pod uticajem različitih faktora, snaga i elastičnost našeg tkiva se smanjuju tokom godina, pogotovo na licu. Vlakna kolagena se razgrađuju, prirodni rezervoari za vlagu se smanjuju i počinjemo da se suočavamo sa malim borama na čelu, oko očiju, između očiju, usne gube volumen i svežinu, lice deluje umorno, oči nenaspavano, podočnjaci su izraženi, lice nema prirodne konture i jagodice, a pojavljaju se i bore oko usana.

Tretmanom hijaluronskim filerima, moguće je podići ove potonule površine lica i odstraniti manje ili vidljivo smaniti veće bore blagom, neinvazivnom metodom. Dakle, izgubljene mladenačke strukture lica mogu biti obnovljene.

When is the use of hyaluronic acid recommended?

Best is to start with treatments when first wrinkles appear regardless of age since they are easier to correct as soon as they occur in order to prevent their deepening.

What are the results of hyaluronic acid fillers?

- face and neck rejuvenation
- rejuvenation of hands
- contouring of cheeks and cheekbones
- contouring and filling of lips
- refreshing of the lip lines
- filled wrinkles on forehead and the bridge of the nose
- filled wrinkles around the eyes
- filled wrinkles around the lips
- filled nasolabial furrows (lines that go from the base of the nose to the outer corner of the mouth – wrinkles of the nose and cheeks)
filled tiny scars.

How long does the effect of hyaluronic acid last?

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