Aesthetic treatments, Body treatments

Mesotherapy - Hand, Neck and Decolletage

If you are looking for a painless and natural treatment in esthetic medicine without side effects and risks, then mesotherapy is definitely for you.

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive technique that uses very thin needles to inject small quantities of different ingredients into subcutaneous fat in many different areas. The main ingredient that is injected is non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid or organic silicon, with an addition of vitamin C and other vitamins, different amino acids, flavonoids, plant extracts, and other things if needed.

These ingredients are important for bio-revitalization, skin hydration, cell regeneration, and increased collagen production. The skin is again toned, moisturized, and glowing, and the mimic and facial expressions are preserved.

3-6 treatments are needed for an optimal effect. Before the treatment, it is recommended to perform a gentle, superficial peel to remove all the dead skin cells. The treatment is quick and relatively painless since thin needles are used and an anesthetic cream is applied to the skin before the treatment. The results on the skin are natural.

Mezoterapijski kokteli su bogati neukrštenom hijaluronskom kiselinom, aminokiselinama, multivitaminima (A, C, E, D), kompleksom vitamina B, mineralima, organskim silicijumom, peptidima i kolagenom.

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